Copyright and Trademarks

David · November 30, 2022

New game makers often have questions about trademarks, copyright, and likeness rights (like making a game around someone else’s IP). IP questions are either answered by basic IP knowledge or something you should ask a lawyer about.

To address that first part, The Practical Law GDC talk series isn’t too dry, is gamedev-focused, and gives you a decent grounding in relevant IP law:

The legal side of games isn’t sexy, but it doesn’t have to be scary. In this GDC 2016 talk, indie game lawyer Chris Reid offers a practical roadmap to the common legal issues that most developers will actually encounter.

In this 2017 GDC talk, game lawyer Chris Reid explains 5 contracts you’re likely to run into as an indie developer, and explains what you need to know about them.

In this 2018 GDC session, lawyer Christopher Reid gives indie developers a practical understanding of copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property relevant to game development, and explains how these types of IP work, why indies should care, how they can protect themselves, and what practical tools they have when there’s a dispute. This talk helps developers understand copyright infringement, fair use, protecting game and company names, let’s plays, and more.

These talks are US-focused, but globally relevant due to international IP agreements.


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