Writing vim colorschemes

David · January 8, 2020

A vim colorscheme determines how all UI elements are coloured. Try :help group-name and you’ll see the colours used for each kind of token in your code. With your current colorscheme, you should recognize the colours you like displayed with vim’s name for those tokens (the left column).

Merging colorschemes

If you like different parts of a few colorschemes, you can copypaste bits of them together. First, you’ll need to understand the syntax items you’re looking at. Use this (if you have a fancy statusline, turn it off with :AirlineToggle or equivalent):

:let &statusline = 'ascii:%-3b hex:%2B %{PrintNumSelected()} %= syntax<%{synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name")}> color<%{synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name")}> %l,%c%V %P '

Now you’ll see ‘syntax’ and ‘color’ in the bottom right of your statusline. ‘syntax’ is the name your syntax uses for the token under the cursor (defined in syntax/c.vim) and ‘color’ is what colour to select from the colorscheme (group-name).

Put your cursor on the word int in a C++ file and you’ll see something like:

syntax<cType> color<Type>

In your colorscheme you’ll see code like this:

hi Type    guifg=darkkhaki

That tells vim to use ‘darkkhaki’ to colour that int keyword. ‘darkkhaki’ is an X11 colour name, but you could use the hex code instead: guifg=#bdb76b.

Writing your own colorscheme

Colorschemes are mostly comprised of :highlight commands like these:

highlight Search guifg=SkyBlue guibg=grey10 gui=none
highlight Search ctermfg=grey ctermbg=blue cterm=bold,underline

Arguments usually prefixed with ‘gui’ are for gvim and with ‘cterm’ for vim in colour terminals (for more, see :help highlight-args).

Keep in mind that :highlight adds to the highlight definition. So if you do:

hi IncSearch    guifg=grey10 guibg=SkyBlue

you’ll have a blue foreground and grey background because IncSearch has gui=reverse by default. Instead, you’ll need to explicitly clear the highlight-args:

hi IncSearch    guifg=grey10 guibg=SkyBlue gui=none

Writing a colorscheme with broad support

There are lots of details to think about when making a colorscheme for others to use:

  • will you support nonstandard group-names?
  • make it work in term, cterm, gui?
  • required terminal palette settings to look correct?
  • true color, 256 color, 16 color support?
  • fancy statusline theme support (airline, lightline)?

vim-colortemplate is a plugin that resolves some of these issues. It generates colorschemes that look like wwdc16.vim.

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